G. H. Hardy Junior Research Fellowship in Mathematics
Oxford University

New College

Closing date: 20th December 2018

The Junior Research Fellow will be expected to undertake advanced research in his or her chosen branch of Mathematics.

The Fellow may wish (but is not required) to undertake up to six hours of tutorial teaching per week in full term (for which additional remuneration will be available). He/she will be expected to self-manage their holiday and to take any holiday days outside of term time.

Junior Research Fellowships are intended for researchers at an early stage in their career who show outstanding ability and potential in their chosen field. The Fellowship is open to those who will have completed PhD/DPhil or be near completion at the time of taking up the post. Candidates may not previously have held a Junior Research Fellowship or comparable appointment.

For more information and to apply, click here.

**Mention you saw it on the AustMS website**