The Director leads the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI).
Established in 2002, AMSI is an unincorporated joint venture partnership (JVP) currently made up of 12 universities with membership including an additional 19 universities, 5 Government agencies and 6 mathematical and statistical societies. In addition, AMSI now administers a Trust for the AMSI Foundation, for which the Director holds a position on the Board.
The University of Melbourne is Lead Agent for the AMSI JVP and has administrative oversight of the Institute. AMSI’s premises are located at The University of Melbourne on its Parkville campus.
AMSI has an enviable reputation for delivering effective national programs across the mathematical sciences pipeline and for its advocacy and policy development. In the period 2015 to 2020, AMSI holds government and philanthropic grants in excess of $40m.
The Director is responsible to the AMSI Board for providing the leadership required for AMSI to meet its core mission, which is to champion the mathematical sciences for Australia’s advancement. The incumbent must successfully undertake such tasks as are identified in the Business Plans approved by the JVP and the AMSI Board and comply with the requirements of the Joint Venture Agreement.
Appointment to this position may be a stand-alone fixed-term appointment in its own right or a full-time secondment or similar from another post. The Director may choose to continue to pursue an active research program and to undertake the supervision of postgraduate students under the auspices of one of the AMSI Member universities, subject to the agreement of the Board. AMSI is prepared to materially facilitate these arrangements. The Director is responsible for ensuring the ongoing sustainability of AMSI and the pursuit of external funding from government, industry and other providers to enable the expansion of AMSI as an internationally renowned and respected Institute.
For more information and to apply, click here.