ANZIAM  J.  43 (2002), 375-386
NMR shim coil design utilising a rapid spherical harmonic calculation method

C. J. Snape-Jenkinson
  Department of Mathematics
  University of Queensland
  St Lucia, QLD 4072
S. Crozier
  Centre for Magnetic Resonance
  University of Queensland
  St Lucia, QLD 4072
L. K. Forbes
  School of Mathematics and Physics
  University of Tasmania
  Hobart, TAS 7001

A rapid spherical harmonic calculation method is used for the design of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance shim coils. The aim is to design each shim such that it generates a field described purely by a single spherical harmonic. By applying simulated annealing techniques, coil arrangements are produced through the optimal positioning of current-carrying circular arc conductors of rectangular cross-section. This involves minimizing the undesirable harmonics in relation to a target harmonic. The design method is flexible enough to be applied for the production of coil arrangements that generate fields consisting significantly of either zonal or tesseral harmonics. Results are presented for several coil designs which generate tesseral harmonics of degree one.
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