43 (2002), 429-447
Calculation of Chakalov-Popoviciu quadratures of Radau and Lobatto type
Miodrag M. Spalevic
University of Kragujevac
Faculty of Science
Department of Mathematics and Informatics
P.O. Box 60, 34000 Kragujevac
Serbia, Yugoslavia
A numerical method for calculation of the
generalized Chakalov-Popoviciu quadrature
formulae of Radau and Lobatto type, using the
results given for the generalized
Chakalov-Popoviciu quadrature formula, is given.
Numerical results are included. As an application
we discuss the problem of approximating a
function f on the finite interval
I = [a, b]
by a spline function of degree m and variable defects
, with
n (variable) knots, matching as many of the
initial moments of f
as possible. An analytic formula for the
coefficients in the generalized
Chakalov-Popoviciu quadrature formula is given.
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