ANZIAM  J.  44 (2002), 103-110
Propagation of an electromagnetic soliton in a ferromagnetic medium

V. Veerakumar
  Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics
  Department of Physics
  Bharathidasan University
  Tiruchirapalli 620 024
M. Daniel
  Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics
  Department of Physics
  Bharathidasan University
  Tiruchirapalli 620 024

We study the propagation of electromagnetic waves (EMWs) in both isotropic and anisotropic ferromagnetic material media. As the EMW propagates through linear charge-free isotropic and anisotropic ferromagnetic media, it is found that the magnetic field and the magnetic induction components of the EMW and the magnetization excitations of the medium are in the form of solitons. However, the electromagnetic soliton gets damped and decelerates in the case of a charged medium. In the case of a charge-free nonlinear ferromagnetic medium we obtain results similar to those for the linear case.
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