44 (2002), 11-20
Huxley and Fisher equations for gene propagation: An exact solution
P. Broadbridge
School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics
University of Wollongong
Wollongong NSW 2522
B. H. Bradshaw
School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics
University of Wollongong
Wollongong NSW 2522
G. R. Fulford
AgResearch Ltd.
Wallaceville Animal Research Centre
PO Box 40063, Upper Hutt
New Zealand
G. K. Aldis
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Australian Defence Force Academy
Canberra ACT 2600
The derivation of gene-transport equations is
re-examined. Fisher's assumptions for a sexually
reproducing species lead to a Huxley
reaction-diffusion equation, with cubic logistic
source term for the gene frequency of a mutant
advantageous recessive gene. Fisher's equation
more accurately represents the spread of an
advantaged mutant strain within an asexual
species. When the total population density is not
uniform, these reaction-diffusion equations take
on an additional non-uniform convection term.
Cubic source terms of the Huxley or
Fitzhugh-Nagumo type allow special nonclassical
symmetries. A new exact solution, not of the
travelling wave type, and with zero gradient
boundary condition, is constructed.
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