ANZIAM  J.  44 (2002), 193-204
Optimal Hamiltonian completions and path covers for trees, and a reduction to maximum flow

D. S. Franzblau
  Department of Mathematics, CUNY
  College of Staten Island
  2800 Victory Blvd
  Staten Island
  NY 10314
A. Raychaudhuri
  Department of Mathematics, CUNY
  College of Staten Island
  2800 Victory Blvd
  Staten Island
  NY 10314

A minimum Hamiltonian completion of a graph  G  is a minimum-size set of edges that, when added to  G, guarantee a Hamiltonian path. Finding a Hamiltonian completion has applications to frequency assignment as well as distributed computing. If the new edges are deleted from the Hamiltonian path, one is left with a minimum path cover, a minimum-size set of vertex-disjoint paths that cover the vertices of  G. For arbitrary graphs, constructing a minimum Hamiltonian completion or path cover is clearly NP-hard, but there exists a linear-time algorithm for trees. In this paper we first give a description and proof of correctness for this linear-time algorithm that is simpler and more intuitive than those given previously. We show that the algorithm extends also to unicyclic graphs. We then give a new method for finding an optimal path cover or Hamiltonian completion for a tree that uses a reduction to a maximum flow problem. In addition, we show how to extend the reduction to construct, if possible, a covering of the vertices of a bipartite graph with vertex-disjoint cycles, that is, a 2-factor.
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