44 (2002), 261-282
Extreme stability and almost periodicity in continuous and discrete neuronal models with finite delays
S. Mohamad
On leave from Department of Mathematics
University Brunei Darussalam
Bandar Seri Begawan BE 1410
Brunei Darussalam
Current address:
Mathematics and Statistics
School of Informatics and Engineering
Flinders University of South Australia
Bedford Park SA 5042
K. Gopalsamy
Mathematics and Statistics
School of Informatics and Engineering
Flinders University of South Australia
Bedford Park SA 5042
We consider the dynamical characteristics of a
continuous-time isolated Hopfield-type neuron
subjected to an almost periodic external
stimulus. The model neuron is assumed to be
dissipative having finite time delays in the
process of encoding the external input stimulus
and recalling the encoded pattern associated
with the external stimulus. By using
non-autonomous Halanay-type inequalities we
obtain sufficient conditions for the
hetero-associative stable encoding of temporally
non-uniform stimuli. A brief study of a
discrete-time model derived from the
continuous-time system is given. It is shown
that the discrete-time model preserves the
stability conditions of the continuous-time
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