44 (2003), 365-380
n-Dimensional first integral and similarity solutions for two-phase flow
S. W. Weeks
School of Mathematical Sciences
Queensland University of Technology
GPO Box 2434
Brisbane QLD 4001
G. C. Sander
Department of Civil and Building Engineering
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
J.-Y. Parlange
Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering
Riley-Robb Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca NY
This paper considers similarity solutions of the
multi-dimensional transport equation for the
unsteady flow of two viscous incompressible
fluids. We show that in plane, cylindrical and
spherical geometries, the flow equation can be
reduced to a weakly-coupled system of two
first-order nonlinear ordinary differential
equations. This occurs when the two phase
diffusivity satisfies and the fractional
flow function satisfies , where n
is a geometry index (1, 2 or 3),
and are constants and primes denote differentiation
with respect to the water
content . Solutions are obtained for time dependent flux
boundary conditions. Unlike single-phase flow,
for two-phase flow with n = 2
or 3, a saturated zone around the injection point
will only occur provided the two
conditions and are satisfied. The latter condition is
important due to the prevalence of functional
forms of in oil/water flow literature having the property
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