44 (2003), 485-500
An optimal linear filter for random signals with realisations in a separable Hilbert space
P. G. Howlett
Centre for Industrial and Applicable Mathematics
University of South Australia
A. P. Torokhti
Centre for Industrial and Applicable Mathematics
University of South Australia
School of Applied Mathematics
The University of Adelaide
Adelaide SA 5005
be a random signal with realisations in an
infinite-dimensional vector space
an associated observable random signal with
realisations in a finite-dimensional subspace
. We seek a pointwise-best estimate of
using a bounded linear filter on the observed
data vector . When
is a finite-dimensional Euclidean space and the
covariance matrix for
is nonsingular, it is known that the best
estimate of is given by a standard matrix expression
prescribing a linear mean-square filter. For the
infinite-dimensional Hilbert space problem we
show that the matrix expression must be replaced
by an analogous but more general expression using
bounded linear operators. The extension procedure
depends directly on the theory of the Bochner
integral and on the construction of appropriate
Hilbert-Schmidt operators. An extended example
is given.
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