45 (2003), 27-34
Derivation of the probability density function for ultimate muscle pH in slaughtered animals
G. C. Wake
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
The University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
New Zealand
We consider the form of the probability density
function for the ultimate muscle pH in
slaughtered animals. Muscle pH in slaughtered
animals is dependent on a biochemical process
which forms lactic acid from the breakdown of
glycogen stored in the muscle at slaughter. The
relationship between glycogen and muscle pH
after slaughter is expressed as a pair of coupled
differential equations. The solution of this
system for the equilibrium muscle pH as time
gives the form of the probability density for
the ultimate muscle pH. When the initial density
for the muscle glycogen is normal, the density
for the ultimate muscle pH is shown to be
approximately a mixed normal density.
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