46 (2004), 111-120
A note on the extension of a family of biorthogonal Coifman wavelet systems
Zhuhan Jiang
School of Computing and Information Technology
University of Western Sydney
Penrith South DC NSW 1797
Xiling Guo
Management Information Systems
Australian Catholic University
Strathfield NSW 2135
Wavelet systems with a maximum number of
balanced vanishing moments are known to be
extremely useful in a variety of applications
such as image and video compression. Tian and
Wells recently created a family of such wavelet
systems, called the biorthogonal Coifman
wavelets, which have proved valuable in both
mathematics and applications. The purpose of this
work is to establish along with direct proofs a
very neat extension of Tian and Wells' family of
biorthogonal Coifman wavelets by recovering other
``missing'' members of the biorthogonal Coifman
wavelet systems.
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