ANZIAM  J.  46 (2005), 379-391
Impulsive control of rumours with two broadcasts

Selma Belen
  School of Mathematics
  The University of Adelaide
  Adelaide SA 5005
C. Yalcin Kaya
  School of Mathematics and Statistics
  University of South Australia
  Mawson Lakes SA 5095
C. E. M. Pearce
  School of Mathematics
  The University of Adelaide
  Adelaide SA 5005

In this paper we introduce an impulsive control model of a rumour process. The spreaders are classified as subscriber spreaders, who receive an initial broadcast of a rumour and start spreading it, and nonsubscriber spreaders who change from being an ignorant to being a spreader after encountering a spreader. There are two consecutive broadcasts. The first starts the rumour process. The objective is to time the second broadcast so that the final proportion of ignorants is minimised. The second broadcast reactivates as spreaders either the subscriber stiflers (Scenario 1) or all individuals who have been spreaders (Scenario 2). It is shown that with either scenario the optimal time for the second broadcast is always when the proportion of spreaders drops to zero.
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