ANZIAM  J.  48 (2006), 23-35
Wavelet and discrete cosine transforms for inserting information into BMP images

I. Orea-Flores
  Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria
  en Ingeniería y Tecnologas Avanzadas
  Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  Av. IPN 2580
  La Laguna Ticomán
  07340 México D.F.
M. A. Acevedo
  Sexyón de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica Instituto Politécnico Nacional Edif. Z-4
  3er piso. Col Lindavista
  07738 México D.F.
J. López-Bonilla
  Sexyón de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica Instituto Politécnico Nacional Edif. Z-4
  3er piso. Col Lindavista
  07738 México D.F.

In this work we use the Discrete Wavelet Transform in watermarking applications for digital BMP images with the objective is to guarantee some level of security for the copyright. We also compare the results with the Discrete Cosine Transform for the same application. Results are obtained from a number of tests, primarily in order to validate the security level and the robustness of the watermark, but also to prove that the original image suffers only very small variations after the watermark is embedded. We also show how to embed the watermark, where to insert it and the capacity supported for inserting an image.
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