ANZIAM J. 49 (2007), no. 2, pp. 281–292.
A modified AOR-type iterative method for L-matrix linear systems
Shi-Liang Wu Ting-Zhu Huang
School of Applied Mathematics
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Sichuan 610054
P.R. China
School of Applied Mathematics
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Sichuan 610054
P.R. China
Received 14 April, 2007; revised 22 October, 2007


Both Evans et al. and Li et al. have presented preconditioned methods for linear systems to improve the convergence rates of AOR-type iterative schemes. In this paper, we present a new preconditioner. Some comparison theorems on preconditioned iterative methods for solving L-matrix linear systems are presented. Comparison results and a numerical example show that convergence of the preconditioned Gauss–Seidel method is faster than that of the preconditioned AOR iterative method.

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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: primary 65F10; secondary 15A06
(Metadata: XML, RSS, BibTeX) MathSciNet: MR2376???
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