The BULLETIN of the Australian Mathematical Society began publication in
1969. Normally two volumes of three numbers are published annually. The
BULLETIN is published for the Australian Mathematical Society by the Australian
Mathematical Publishing Association Inc.
Electronic Editions
The BULLETIN of the Australian Mathematical Society aims at quick
publication of original research in all branches of mathematics. To
ensure speedy publication, only articles which are sufficiently well
presented as not to require revision and which are judged by the Editor
(often in consultation with an Associate Editor) to be competive are
refereed. This policy is in the interests of authors, as a quick
rejection is better than a slow rejection, and the Editors receive more
than three times as much material as can be published in the BULLETIN;
many meritorious papers can, therefore, not be accepted. Editorial
decisions on acceptance or otherwise are taken quickly, normally within a
month of receipt of the paper. Papers are accepted only after peer review.
Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same
work is not concurrently submitted elsewhere. As even minor revisions
are generally not permitted, authors should read carefully all the details
listed below. For a paper to be acceptable for publication, not only
should it contain new and interesting results but also
- the exposition should be clear and attractive;
- the manuscript should be in publishable form, without
The London Mathematical Society has produced some useful instructions for
authors which will help authors with both of these requirements:
we reproduce these here with permission for the convenience of our
prospective authors. The American Mathematical Society Web site also
has useful information for authors.
Authors should submit three clean, high quality copies to:
The Editor, BULLETIN of the Australian Mathematical Society,
Department of Mathematics, The University of Queensland,
Queensland 4072, Australia.
Unless requested at the time, material submitted to the BULLETIN will
usually not be returned.
1. References
Arrange references alphabetically (by surname of the first author) and
cite them numerically in the text. Ensure the references are quoted accurately,
and use the standard abbreviations for journal names prepared by the American
Mathematical Society (these are available each year in Mathematical Reviews
or from the
Mathematical Reviews Resources
page at the American Mathematical Society's web site).
Include in the list of references only those works cited, and avoid citing
works which are ``in preparation" or ``submitted". Where the work cited
is not readily accessible (for example, a preprint) a photocopy of the
title page and relevant sections of the copy that you have used will be
of great help to the editors.
2. Abstracts
Each paper must include an abstract of not more than 200 words, which should
contain a brief but informative summary of the contents of the paper, but
no inessential details.
The abstract should be self-contained, but may refer to the title.
Specific references (by number) to a section, proposition, equation or
bibliographical item should be avoided.
3. Subject Classification
Authors should include in their papers one or more classification numbers,
following the 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Details of this
scheme can be found in the Annual Index of recent issues of Mathematical
Reviews, or from the
Mathematical Reviews Resources
page at the American Mathematical Society's web site.
4. Abstracts of Ph.D. Theses
The BULLETIN of the Australian Mathematical Society publishes "Abstracts
of Australasian Ph.D. Theses". The abstract submitted to the BULLETIN may
be the abstract included in the thesis itself. However, the BULLETIN will
accept abstracts of up to 3 pages, and the abstract in the BULLETIN may
include references. All the mathematical sciences are covered, including
pure and applied mathematics, probability and mathematical statistics,
mathematical physics, and mathematical computer science.
Ph.D. students must provide a typed version, and preferably a TeX file,
of their abstract. This should be sent to the BULLETIN Office in Queensland.
Apart from the abstract itself, the BULLETIN also needs the following information:
the name of the university awarding the degree
the name(s) of the supervisor(s)
documentation, e.g., a written statement from the supervisor, that the
degree has been approved
the month of submission
the month of approval of the degree (which is usually well before the degree
is formally conferred!)
appropriate 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification number(s)
Sometimes there is a form inside the thesis with most of the above information
on it; a photocopy of this is very useful.
Publication is fast, usually within 9 months of the approval of the
degree. Abstracts must be received within six months of the approval of
the degree. Students are entitled to 50 free offprints, and may order more
at a moderate cost, using an order form which comes with the proofs.
5. Electronic Manuscripts
The BULLETIN is produced using AMSTeX. Authors who are able to do so are
invited to prepare their manuscripts using TeX (we accept plain TeX,
AMSTeX, or LaTeX)
and submit text on an IBM PC compatible diskette or via e-mail to
[Typed manuscripts are, of course, still acceptable].
If there are any mistakes in this statement of the rules for article submission,
please report them to:
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