Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 72(1) pp.7--15, 2005.

A strong excision theorem for
generalised Tate cohomology

N. Mramor Kosta

Received: 13th January, 2005

Supported in part by the Ministry for Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia Research Program No. 101-509.


We consider the analogue of the fixed point theorem of A. Borel in the context of Tate cohomology. We show that for general compact Lie groups G the Tate cohomology of a G-CW complex X with coefficients in a field of characteristic 0 is in general not isomorphic to the cohomology of the fixed point set, and thus the fixed point theorem does not apply. Instead, the following excision theorem is valid: if X' is the subcomplex of all G-cells of orbit type G/H where dim H > 0, and V is a ring such that for every finite isotropy group H the order |H| is invertible in V, then $ \widehat {{H}}^{*}_{G}$(X;V) $ \cong $ $ \widehat {{H}}^{*}_{G}$(X';V). In the special cases G = $ \mathbb {T}$, the circle group, and G = $ \mathbb {U}$, the group of unit quaternions, a more elementary geometric proof, using a cellular model of $ \widehat {{H}}^{*}_{\mathbb }$U is given.

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