Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 72(1) pp.39--44, 2005.

A nonlinear map for midpoint locally uniformly rotund renorming

S. Lajara

A.J. Pallarés

Received: 7th February, 2005

Research supported by MCYT BFM 2002-01719 and CARM Séneca 00690-PI-04.


We provide a criterion for midpoint locally uniformly rotund renormability of normed spaces involving the class of $ \sigma $-slicely continuous maps, recently introduced by Moltó, Orihuela, Troyanski and Valdiva in 2003. As a consequence of this result, we obtain a theorem of G. Alexandrov concerning the three space problem for midpoint locally uniformly rotund renormings of Banach spaces.

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