Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 72(1) pp.109--127, 2005.

Finite presentability of some metabelian Hopf algebras

Dessislava H. Kochloukova

Received: 21st March, 2005

Partially supported by ``bolsa de produtividade de pesquisa" from CNPq, Brazil.


We classify the Hopf algebras U(L)#kQ of homological type FP2 where L is a Lie algebra and Q an Abelian group such that L has an Abelian ideal A invariant under the Q-action via conjugation and U(L/A)#kQ is commutative. This generalises the classification of finitely presented metabelian Lie algebras given by J. Groves and R. Bryant.

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(Metadata: XML, RSS, BibTeX) MathSciNet: MR2162297 Z'blatt-MATH: 02212189


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