Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 72(1) pp.129--138, 2005.
On the monotonicity properties of additive representation functions
Yong-Gao Chen |
András Sárközy |
Vera T. Sós |
Min Tang |
Research supported by the NSF of China Grant 10471064, the SF of AnHui Province Grant 01046103 and the Hungarian National Foundation for Scientific Research Grant T043623, T042750, T038210, T046378.
If A is a
set of positive integers, let R1(n) be the number of
solutions of a + a' =
n, a, a'
A, and let
R2(n) and
R3(n) denote the
number of solutions with the additional restrictions a < a', and a
a' respectively.
The monotonicity properties of the three functions R1(n), R2(n), and R3(n) are studied and

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ISSN 0004-9727