Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 72(1) pp.129--138, 2005.

On the monotonicity properties of additive representation functions

Yong-Gao Chen

András Sárközy

Vera T. Sós

Min Tang

Received: 29th March, 2005

Research supported by the NSF of China Grant 10471064, the SF of AnHui Province Grant 01046103 and the Hungarian National Foundation for Scientific Research Grant T043623, T042750, T038210, T046378.


If A is a set of positive integers, let R1(n) be the number of solutions of a + a' = n, a, a' $ \in $ A, and let R2(n) and R3(n) denote the number of solutions with the additional restrictions a < a', and a $ \leq $ a' respectively. The monotonicity properties of the three functions R1(n), R2(n), and R3(n) are studied and compared.

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