Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 72(2) pp.283--290, 2005.
Characterisation of the isometric composition operators on the Bloch space
Flavia Colonna |
I wish to dedicate this article to Professor Maurice
Heins for his ninetieth birthday.
I owe him a debt of gratitude for his great lectures which deeply
stimulated my passion for complex analysis.
As a thesis advisor, he was always very patient and generous with
his time.
In this paper, we characterise the analytic
mapping the open unit disk
into itself whose induced composition operator
is an isometry on the Bloch space. We show
that such functions are either rotations of the identity function
or have a factorisation
= gB where g is a non-vanishing analytic function from
into the closure
, and
B is an infinite Blaschke product
whose zeros form a sequence {zn } containing 0 and a
subsequence {znj} satisfying the conditions
1, and

= 1.

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ISSN 0004-9727