Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 72(3) pp.441--454, 2005.
The Hutchinson-Barnsley theory
for infinite iterated function systems
Gertruda Gwóźdź-Łukawska |
Jacek Jachymski |
We are grateful to Andrzej Komisarski for some useful discussion.
We show that some results of the
Hutchinson-Barnsley theory for finite iterated function systems can
be carried over to the infinite case. Namely, if
{Fi : i
} is a family of Matkowski's
contractions on a complete metric space (X, d ) such that
(Fi x0)i
is bounded for some
X, then there exists a non-empty bounded and
separable set K which is invariant
with respect to this family, that is,
K =
(K). Moreover, given

and x
X, the limit
(x) exists and does
not depend on x. We also study
separately the case in which (X, d
) is Menger convex or compact. Finally, we answer a question
posed by Máté concerning a finite iterated function system
{F1,..., FN
} with the property that each of Fi has a contractive fixed

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