J. Austral. Math. Soc.
73 (2002), 115-125
Additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse
Dragan S. Djordjevic
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Sciences
University of Nis
P.O. Box 224
18000 Nis
Yimin Wei
Department of Mathematics
and Laboratory of Mathematics
for Nonlinear Sciences
Fudan University
Shanghai 200433
P.R. of China
Additive perturbation results for the
generalized Drazin inverse of Banach space
operators are presented. Precisely, if
denotes the generalized Drazin inverse of a
bounded linear operator
on an arbitrary complex Banach space, then in
some special cases
is computed in terms of
and . Thus, recent results of Hartwig, Wang and Wei
(Linear Algebra Appl. 322 (2001), 207-217)
are extended to infinite dimensional settings with simplified proofs.
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