J. Aust. Math. Soc.  73 (2002), 433-445
Dense subsemigroups of generalised transformation semigroups

Amorn Wasanawichit
  Department of Mathematics
  Chulalongkorn University
  Bangkok 10330
Yupaporn Kemprasit
  Department of Mathematics
  Chulalongkorn University
  Bangkok 10330

In 1986, Higgins proved that $T(X)$, the semigroup (under composition) of all total transformations of a set $X$, has a proper dense subsemigroup if and only if $X$ is infinite, and he obtained similar results for partial and partial one-to-one transformations. We consider the generalised transformation semigroup $T(X,Y)$ consisting of all total transformations from $X$ into $Y$ under the operation $\alpha * \beta=\alpha\theta\beta$, where $\theta$ is any fixed element of $T(Y,X)$. We show that this semigroup has a proper dense subsemigroup if and only if $X$ and $Y$ are infinite and $|Y\theta|=\min\{|X|, |Y|\}$, and we obtain similar results for partial and partial one-to-one transformations. The results of Higgins then become special cases.
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