J. Aust. Math. Soc.  75 (2003), 295-311
Infinitary lattice and Riesz properties of pseudoeffect algebras and po-groups

Anatolij Dvurecenskij
  Mathematical Institute
  Slovak Academy of Sciences
  Stefánikova 49
  SK -- 814 73 Bratislava
Thomas Vetterlein
  Mathematical Institute
  Slovak Academy of Sciences
  Stefánikova 49
  SK -- 814 73 Bratislava

Pseudoeffect (PE-) algebras generalize effect algebras by no longer being necessarily commutative. They are in certain cases representable as the unit interval of a unital po-group, for instance if they fulfil a certain Riesz property. Several infinitary lattice properties and the countable Riesz interpolation property are studied for PE-algebras on the one hand and for po-groups on the other hand. We establish the exact relationships between the various conditions that are taken into account, and in particular, we examine how properties of a PE-algebra are related to the analogous properties of a representing po-group.
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