Reference of an Applicant for Accreditation with the Australian Mathematical Society

A member of the Society, preferably a Fellow who knows the applicant, must support an application for accreditation by supplying the following information and by writing a short reference. The applicant should give a copy of their application for their referee.

Please forward the completed reference to the Treasurer:

Dr A. Howe
Treasurer, Australian Mathematical Society
Department of Mathematics
Australian National University
ACT 0200

This information may be submitted electronically.


Applicant's name: ................................................

Level of accreditation: ..........................................

I, the undersigned, support the application for accreditation and
assert that the details supplied are accurate, to the best of my

Name: ................................... Signature: ................

Address: ............................................................

......................................... Postcode: .................

Phone (Work): ................

Fellow/Member of the Society since: .................................

OTHER INFORMATION that may be useful to the Accreditation Committee










