ANZIAM  J.  48 (2007), 433-447
Reflection coefficients and energy ratios in a micropolar thermoelastic medium without energy dissipation

Baljeet Singh
  Department of Mathematics
  Government College
  Chandigarh 160 011

The linear governing equations of a micropolar thermoelastic medium without energy dissipation are solved to show the existence of four plane waves in a two-dimensional model. The expressions for velocities of these plane waves are obtained. The boundary conditions at the free surface are used to obtain a system of four nonhomogeneous equations. These equations are solved numerically for a particular model to obtain reflection coefficients for the incidence of coupled longitudinal displacement and coupled transverse microrotational waves. These reflection coefficients as well as the energy ratios are computed and are shown graphically with the angle of incidence in the presence and absence of thermal effects.
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