ANZIAM J. 49 (2007), no. 2, pp. 259–270.
A new proximity function generating the best known iteration bounds for both large-update and small-update interior-point methods
Keyvan Amini Arash Haseli
Department of Sciences
Razi University
Islamic Azad University
Kermanshah branch
Received 16 December, 2006; revised 6 August, 2007


Interior-Point Methods (IPMs) are not only very effective in practice for solving linear optimization problems but also have polynomial-time complexity. Despite the practical efficiency of large-update algorithms, from a theoretical point of view, these algorithms have a weaker iteration bound with respect to small-update algorithms. In fact, there is a significant gap between theory and practice for large-update algorithms. By introducing self-regular barrier functions, Peng, Roos and Terlaky improved this gap up to a factor of \log n. However, checking these self-regular functions is not simple and proofs of theorems involving these functions are very complicated. Roos et al. by presenting a new class of barrier functions which are not necessarily self-regular, achieved very good results through some much simpler theorems. In this paper we introduce a new kernel function in this class which yields the best known complexity bound, both for large-update and small-update methods.

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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: primary 90C05; secondary 90C51
(Metadata: XML, RSS, BibTeX) MathSciNet: MR2376???
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