J. Aust. Math. Soc.
76 (2004), 109-124
On the completion of latin rectangles to symmetric latin squares
Darryn Bryant
Department of Mathematics
University of Queensland
Qld 4072
C. A. Rodger
School of Mathematical and
Physical Sciences
University of Newcastle
NSW 2308
We find necessary and sufficient conditions for
completing an arbitrary 2 by n latin rectangle to an
n by n
symmetric latin square, for completing an
arbitrary 2 by n
latin rectangle to an
n by n
unipotent symmetric latin square, and for
completing an arbitrary 1 by n
latin rectangle to an
n by n
idempotent symmetric latin square. Equivalently,
we prove necessary and sufficient conditions for
the existence of an (n - 1)-edge
colouring of
(n even), and for an
n -edge colouring of
(n odd) in which the colours assigned to the edges
incident with two vertices are specified in
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