J. Aust. Math. Soc.
82 (2007), 221-236
On systems of diagonal forms
Michael P. Knapp
Mathematical Sciences Department
Loyola College
4501 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210-2699
In this paper we consider systems of diagonal
forms with integer coefficients in which each
form has a different degree. Every such system
has a nontrivial zero in every p-adic field
provided that the number of variables is
sufficiently large in terms of the degrees.
While the number of variables required grows at
least exponentially as the degrees and number of
forms increase, it is known that if
is sufficiently large then only a small
polynomial bound is required to ensure zeros in
. In this paper we explore the question of how
small we can make the prime
and still have a polynomial bound. In
particular, we show that we may allow
to be smaller than the largest of the degrees.
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