Accreditation by the AustMS
An Ordinary member* or a Sustaining member may apply for formal accreditation which recognises their qualifications professional standing and contributions to the mathematical sciences. Three accreditation grades exist:
- Graduate Member (GAustMS),
- Accredited Member (MAustMS), and
- Fellow (FAustMS).
*excludes free student memberships.
After accreditation, you may use the appropriate affix after your name on emails, business cards, websites and stationary.
Accreditation as a Fellow of the AustMS brings significant benefits both to the Fellows and to the Society. See both:
Below are listed the criteria for each accreditation level, together with the application form and fees.
- Application form for accreditation (PDF ~50kb)
- Accreditation fees
Guidelines for election as Fellow
Applicants for Fellow shall normally have:
- A Masters or Doctoral degree from a recognized university or college, which includes a major component in an area of mathematics;
- A senior professional standing and been employed for at least five years in a relevant position(s), which has a major focus in an area of mathematics, within the university, government, industry or business sectors;
- Made substantial contributions to the mathematical sciences in one or more of the areas a) research, b) teaching and scholarship, c) leadership, service and management, d) industry and innovation.
Explanatory notes
- For criterion 2.
- The five years of employment does not need to be all at the applicant’s current senior professional level but can comprise a range of relevant positions, at various levels of seniority.
- Indicative levels of professional standing include:
- Australian university: Associate professor- level D, Head of department or discipline, Director of studies;
- Australian government organization: Principal research scientist;
- Company or private business: leadership role conducting research, development or applications;
- School or college: head or leading teacher.
- Equivalent positions in Australia and overseas are also recognised.
- For criterion 3.
There are multiple forms of evidence that can be used to support a Fellowship application and some common examples are listed below. For convenience, they are ordered by area of likely contribution but many can be broadly applied across the different areas listed in 3.
- Research: journal, conference and book publications, research grants and income, supervision of postgraduate students, keynote and invited speeches at major conferences or conventions.
- Teaching and scholarship: development of curricula and courses, innovation in teaching and assessment methods, production of education materials used at the state or national level, participation in external benchmarking or accreditation activities.
- Leadership, service and management: leadership of large organization-based units or teams, mentoring of early-career staff, service to professional bodies (such as the Australian Mathematical Society and its Divisions), chair or membership of national- or state-level panels or boards, editorial role with nationally or internationally recognized journals or publications, organization of major conferences or workshops.
- Industry and innovation: patents, commercial and industrial projects and consultancies, product development and improvements, delivery and development of training materials or courses.
Guidelines for Accredited member
An Accredited Member shall have completed a postgraduate degree in an area of mathematics at a recognised university or college, or shall have equivalent qualifications, and shall have been employed for the preceding three years in a position requiring the development, application or teaching of an area of mathematics.
Guidelines for Graduate member
A graduate member shall have completed a degree or diploma at a recognised university or college, the studies for which shall include as a major component of an area of mathematics, and shall be currently employed or occupied in the development, application or teaching of an area of mathematics.