Careers - Andrea Marshall

I completed a Bachelor of Science at the University of Queensland in 1999, majoring in Mathematics and was awarded First Class Honours in Applied Mathematics in 2000. My main interest was applied and computational mathematics, particularly in the context of meteorology. My honours thesis focussed on the surface temperature of planetary bodies, specifically Earth, the Moon and Mars.

I am currently doing a Graduate Diploma of Meteorology with the Bureau of Meteorology in Melbourne. Upon completion I will become an operational forecaster for the Bureau. Meteorology is based on conceptual models derived from a dynamical and thermodynamical framework. I found my background in maths to be crucial to understanding these basic concepts. My main interests in meteorology are severe weather patterns in a tropical climate.

So, I very much hope to return to Brisbane to forecast and develop my understanding of tropical and sub-tropical climates.

Updated: 18 Sep 2007