Journal Rankings for the ERA, as at August 2008
List of pure mathematics journals (FoR code 0101)
(20 August 2008)Here is the list of pure mathematics journals.
The ARC has acknowledged receipt of this list, sent on by Professor Hyam Rubinstein for the NCMS.
Ranking of journals in Applied Maths (FoR code 0102/0103)
(updated 21 August 2008)Here is the list of journal rankings submitted by the NCMS for FoR codes 102/103.
Ranking of journals in Statistics (FoR code 0104)
(11 August 2008) — in preparation for Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) exercise.The list of journal rankings, revised after comments from the probability and statistics community, is given here.
The list has been conveyed to Professor Hyam Rubinstein, Chair of the National Committee for the Mathematical Sciences, for submission to the ARC.
Proposed journal rankings for Mathematical Physics (FoR code 0105)
(4 August 2008) — Mathematical Physics Ranking