Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter
The Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter is published by World Scientific Singapore to disseminate news and information about mathematics and mathematical education and research and to promote cooperation among mathematicians and mathematical scientists in the Asia-Pacific region.
The benefits of this newsletter to the mathematical and scientific community of this region will depend very much on the efforts and cooperation of individual scholars and researchers as well as the various national mathematical societies, centres and research institutes in this region. Therefore, the editors are soliciting contributions such as:
- News items on activities of your mathematical society,
- Announcements of upcoming conferences,
- Conference reports on major conferences held,
- Feature articles on new mathematical research centres and institutes,
- National and international prizes, awards and honors,
- Job promotions.
The publishers have given permission for the Australian Mathematical Society to post early issues of the Newsletter on the AustMS website, in PDF format, for easier downloading and reading of complete issues. Simply click on the links marked ‘PDF’ below.