AustMS Journal Ranking Recommendations for the ERA, Aug–Nov. 2009
This page gives access to lists of journals recommended to the ARC for the Field of Research Codes 01*; that is, (FoR): 01, 0101, 0102, 0103, 0104, 0105 and 0199. These journals were actively publishing academic or research articles during the period 2002–2008.
These journals have been assigned a ranking (A*, A, B, C) for use with the ARC's ERA exercise. The ranking, and the suitability of the journal for a mathematics FoR classification code, has been determined by
a working group consisting of academic mathematicians (members of AustMS) and statisticians (members of SSAI).
For the journals you publish in, you may wish to check the spreadsheet field headed Rank, or look for this information within one or more of the web-pages linked-to below.
Spreadsheet of the final rankings, as submitted to the ARC on Monday 2 November 2009, with additions on Friday 6 November 2009:
In more human-friendly (HTML) layouts, with hyperlinks: (1181 journals)
- sorted by ERA-ID (~1.3Mb, .html format)
- sorted alphabetically (~1.3Mb, .html format)
- alphabetically within rankings (~1.3Mb, .html format)
These pages include hyperlinks to some journal's websites, and to Ulrich's web (account required), for easy confirmation of details regarding each journal's ISSN and other data. Any errors in this factual data should be reported directly to Ulrich's, or using the Feedback link below.
Note that some journals that regularly contain mathematical articles have not been included on the mathematics list because it was felt that the journal in question was
- primarily the ranking responsibility of an allied discipline;
- not regarded as a journal that regularly published a significant proportion of mathematics articles; or
- not able to be ranked appropriately on the mathematics list because inclusion would mean that a purely mathematical journal would have to be downgraded.
In such cases we have assumed that the ARC will allow mathematical articles in these journals to be claimed as mathematics publications with an appropriate FoR code nominated by the author. This rule of thumb has been used, for instance, to omit all of the IEEE journals from the 0102 and 0103 lists.
Listings by Field of Research
(FoR code 01): Mathematical Sciences (General) & Multidisciplinary 17 journals:
- alphabetically within rankings (~26kb, .html format)
(FoR code 0101): Pure Mathematics
499 journals:- sorted alphabetically (~500kb, .html format)
- alphabetically within rankings (~500kb, .html format)
(FoR code 0102): Applied Mathematics
502 journals:- sorted alphabetically (~560kb, .html format)
- alphabetically within rankings (~580kb, .html format)
(FoR code 0103): Numerical and Computational Mathematics 149 journals:
- sorted alphabetically (~180kb, .html format)
- alphabetically within rankings (~180kb, .html format)
(FoR code 0104): Statistics
195 journals:- sorted alphabetically (~200kb, .html format)
- alphabetically within rankings (~200kb, .html format)
(FoR code 0105): Mathematical Physics
65 journals:- sorted alphabetically (~80kb, .html format)
- alphabetically within rankings (~80kb, .html format)
(FoR code 0199): Other Mathematical Sciences
2 journals:- sorted alphabetically (~7kb, .html format)
The following journals have other major fields as their primary research classification. The rankings given here are fom a mathematical viewpoint. Their actual ARC ranking will depend upon decisions taken within that other field. (Most of these journals are classified as 02 Physics.)
(various FoR codes): Other Fields of Research
93 journals:- sorted by FoR (~120kb, .html format)
- sorted alphabetically (~120kb, .html format)
The following journals may have had rankings from an earlier ERA process, but are not included in the current ERA for any of a number of reasons; e.g. the journal has not published since 2001, it only started publishing in 2009, the name has changed, an English translation is available under a different ERA-ID, the journal is not peer-reviewed, etc.
(various FoR codes): Deleted from current ERA
64 ERA-IDs + 6 NEW journals:- sorted by ERA-ID (~96kb, .html format)
Submissions and Corrections
As advised by the ARC, submissions of journals for the ERA 2010 round closed on 2 November 2009.
The final list should appear shortly on the ARC website:
The ARC expects to reinstate its new journal form on that same page, once the ERA 2010 list has been posted. This will enable submissions to be made for future ERA rounds.
Attempts to submit new journal data using the Feedback link below are not sufficient to get information to the ARC. Such attempts will not be acknowledged, though any corrections to factual information, such as ISSN codes and starting dates, will be accepted this way for future reference.