Volume 41 Number 4 Sep 2014

Complete issue (4.8MB)


210 Editorial (105KB)
Sid Morris
212 President's Column (114KB)
Peter Forrester
214 Puzzle Corner 39 (171KB)
Ivan Guo
221 AMSI monitoring of participation in Year 12 mathematics (147KB)
Frank Barrington and Peter Brown
227 57th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society (59KB)
Laurentiu Paunescu
229 Computational & Algorithmic Topology in Sydney (448KB)
Stephan Tillmann
231 Representation Theory in Geometry, Topology and Combinatorics (67KB)
Martina Lanini, Tony Licata, Arun Ram and Geordie Williamson
233 Obituary: Pavel Karel Smrz (116KB)
John R. Giles
236 Polytopal realisations of cluster complexes (144KB)
Natalie Aisbett
240 Book Reviews (195KB)
Introduction to Differential Equations Using Sage
by David Joyner and Marshall Hampton
Reviewed by Alasdair McAndrew
The Secrets of Triangles: A Mathematical Journey
by Alfred S. Posamentier and Ingmar Lehmann
Reviewed by Alasdair McAndrew
249 NCMS News (129KB)
Nalini Joshi
252 AMSI News (118KB)
Geoff Prince
255 News (163KB)
272 AustMS (102KB)


2014 AMSI-SSAI Lecture Tour : Professor Terry Speed (421KB)
Advocacy: Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (942KB)
Careers: Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (488KB)
AMSI Summer School in the Mathematical Sciences 3–29 January 2015 (657KB)
American Mathematical Society: NUMBERS GALORE! (947KB)

Contact us: gazette@austms.org.au

Updated: 22 Sep 2014