Mathematics Education Special Sessions AustMS 2015

The Mathematics Education Special Sessions at the AustMS Meeting at Flinders University created significant interest, with 20 presentations, a workshop and inaugural meeting of the Special Interest Group in Mathematics Education (SIGME).


  • Amie Albrecht (Uni. SA)
    Developing mathematical thinking through puzzles and games (slides)(video 43.9 MB)
  • Tristram Alexander (UNSW)
    Assessing for student problem solving ability
  • John Banks (U. Melbourne)
    Spreadsheet drawing of plant branching from modified Lindenmeyer grammars (slides)
  • Caroline Bardini (U Melbourne)
    Symbols: do university students mean what they write and write what they mean? (slides)
  • Jon Borwein (U Newcastle)
    A short walk can be beautiful (slides)
  • Ant Edwards (Swinburne UT)
    Student reasoning about real-valued sequences.Insights from an example-generation study (slides)
  • Deborah Jackson (La Trobe)
    Development and implementation of a first year statistics subject for senior secondary indigenous students to encourage future engagement in tertiary studies (slides)
  • Carolyn Kennett (Macquarie U)
    Reflections on using vodcasts as an assessment item in first-year units
  • Jonathan Kress (UNSW)
    Online tutorials with Youtube and Maple TA: the experience so far
  • Birgit Loch (Swinburne UT)
    Making mathematics relevant to first-year engineering students
  • Christine Mangelsdorf (U Melbourne)
    Understanding and addressing poor student performance in first year university calculus
  • Diana Quinn (Uni SA)
    Learning from experience: developing mathematics courses for an online engineering degree
  • John Rice (U Sydney)
    Galileo and Calculus Unlimited
  • Katherine Seaton (La Trobe U)
    Pipelines, ceilings and acid rain
  • Don Shearman (U Western Sydney)
    Great Expectations: I expect to pass because I already know all this stuff (slides)
  • Sven Trenholm (Uni SA)
    The Effectiveness of Fully Online Undergraduate Mathematics Instruction (slides)
  • Lesley Ward (Uni SA)
    Mathematics and Australian Indigenous Culture: Building cultural awareness, competency and literacy in mathematics students at UniSA
  • Kevin White (Uni SA)
    Mind the Gap: Exploring knowledge decay in online sequential mathematics courses (slides) (video (35.4 MB)
  • Aaron Wiegand (U Sunshine Coast)
    To all first-year Calculus students: *pleeease* attend the classes! (video, 40.0 MB)
  • Leigh Wood (Macquarie U)
    Mathematics and statistics modules for pre-service teachers (video (39.1 MB))

Updated: 06 Nov 2015