Congratulations to Malwina Luczak, Jody McKerral, and Louise Olsen-Kettle
- Prof Malwina Luczak (The University of Melbourne) has been awarded an ARC Future Fellowship for "Epidemics in large populations: long-term and near-critical behaviour".
- Jody McKerral (formerly Jody Fisher, The Flinders University of South Australia) was the winner of the Best Student Presentation Award at the 2017 World Conference on Natural Resource Modelling: Vulnerability and Resilience of Socio-ecological Systems, June 6-9, 2017.
- Dr Louise Olsen-Kettle has been awarded a Women in STEM research fellowship by Swinburne University.
Congratulations Malwina, Jody, and Louise!
ACE Forum on Women in Research and Higher Degrees in the Mathematical Sciences
On June 23, AMSI hosted a forum on Women in Research and Higher Degrees in the Mathematical Sciences, accessible via the ACE network. WIMSIG Chair A/Prof Yvonne Stokes (The University of Adelaide) lead the discussion. Presentations of all speakers are now available to download from the AMSI website.
Special Issue on "Mathematics and Motherhood"
The Journal of Humanistic Mathematics recently made a call for papers for a Special Issue on "Motherhood and Mathematics".
This special issue will explore the intersectionality of mathematics and motherhood with the aim of empowering more women in mathematics to pursue careers in the mathematical sciences and the professoriate. The issue will feature articles, autobiographical stories, poetry, and essays from a diverse set of women who have found success and balance in their mathematics career and motherhood.
Abstract submissions are due October 1 and initial submission of complete manuscripts is due January 1, 2018.
WIMSIG Conference 2017: Celebration of Women in Australian Mathematical Sciences
- September 24-26, 2017
- University of South Australia, City West Campus, Adelaide
- https://www.austms.org.au/WIMSIG-conference-2017
Registration has opened! We invite you to register through the conference website.
Early bird registration ($220/$165) closes on July 23, 2017.
We encourage you to book accommodation and tickets early, as we expect prices to be higher and availability lower than usual due to other large events in Adelaide in the same week.
Applications for Travel Grants for women to attend the conference will open soon.
The conference welcomes participants of any gender. All the research presentations will be given by women. Abstracts for talks or posters can be submitted through the conference registration system (either at the same time as you register, or later).
We’re happy to announce that we’ve received over 140 expressions of interest so far. We look forward to seeing many of you at the conference.
Photo request: As part of our efforts to increase the visibility of women in the mathematical sciences, we’d like to display some photos of the female conference participants. We encourage you to upload a photo of yourself through the Profile page of the conference registration website. By doing so, you consent to the use of your photo at the conference, on the conference website, in our reporting, and for other WIMSIG purposes. Thank you.
We’re very pleased to acknowledge our generous sponsors, including AMSI, AustMS, ANZIAM, SSA, UniSA, The University of Adelaide, UNSW, ANU, ACEMS, ANZAMP, MAXIMA, Commonwealth Bank, Choose Maths, and the BHP Billiton Foundation.
See the conference website for more information, including the list of special sessions and the conference schedule.
Join us for this landmark event!
Lesley Ward
For the Conference Steering Committee:
Catherine Greenhill, Grace Joshy, Giang Nguyen, Ngamta Thamwattana, Sue Tyerman, Lesley Ward
AMSI Winter School 2017
- Queensland University of Technology, June 26 - July 7, 2017
- Website: http://ws17.amsi.org.au/
The AMSI Winter School 2017 on Computational Foundations of Data Science is run in collaboration with Queensland University of Technology and is designed for PhD students and researchers in the mathematical sciences and related disciplines.
Female ECRs may be eligible for a Choose Maths travel grant.
Colloquium and Morning Tea at Macquarie University
- Friday 28 July
- Colloquium: 9:00-10:00am
Room E7B 263 (a.k.a. 14 Sir Christopher Ondaatje Ave, Room 263) - Morning Tea: 10:00-11:00am
Room E7A 801 (also called 16 Wally's Walk, Room 801)
Speaker: Dr Emily Riehl (John Hopkins University)
Title: On women in topology and abelian functor calculus
Abstract: Over the past several years, a cohort of senior algebraic topologists have organized "women in topology" workshops to foster vertically-integrated research collaborations between women in algebraic topology and homotopy theory from around the work. In the first part of this talk, I’ll report on the structure and composition of these workshops, which just since 2013 have lead to around a dozen publications involving over 40 women. In the second part of this talk, I’ll describe a few of the theorems proven at the 2016 workshop, which develop a calculus of directional derivatives and higher order chain rules in the setting of homological algebra. This is joint work with Kristine Bauer, Brenda Johnson, Christina Osborne, and Amelia Tebbe.
Contact: Carolyn Kennett
SAGE Symposium 2017
The 2017 SAGE Symposium will be held on September 5-6 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. Registration is now open.
University of Wollongong Australia
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Mathematics (fixed term, 3 years)
Closing date: July 17, 2017
- Glass ceiling: How start-up girledworld hopes to shape future female leaders, ABC New Breakfast - June 26, 2017
- Perceptions Of Women In Engineering Is No Joke,
Huffington Post - June 23, 2017 - Infographic - A Brief History of Women in Science
Have you read an interesting article? Have some news? Have an opportunity available?
Please send items to WIMSIG-news@women.austms.org.au.
Note: Newsletters are published on the 1st day of each month (or soon after). The deadline for submitted items is the 27th day of each month.