Latest AustMS WIMSIG Awardees

Congratulations to the following 3 awardees of the April 2016 round of the Cheryl E. Praeger Travel Awards. We look forward to hearing about their mathematical adventures.

  • Sangeeta Bhatia (Western Sydney University) to attend the 2016 SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences in Boston, and for research visits to North Carolina State University and the University of Ottawa
  • Rachael Quill (UNSW Canberra) to attend the 5th International Fire Behaviour and Fuels Conference, in Melbourne
  • Nadezda Sukhorukova (Swinburne University of Technology) to attend the Mathematical Optimisation Down Under (MODU2016) workshop, in Melbourne

Note that no Anne Penfold Street Awards were made in this round.

Fellow of the Royal Society

Emeritus Professor Caroline Series has been made a Fellow of the Royal Society. This is an honour bestowed upon the most influential British scientists. Professor Series was a founding member of European Women in Mathematics and the International Mathematical Union’s Committee for Women in Mathematics.

Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE)

The SAGE project is gearing up for the 2016 SAGE Symposium to be held on Friday 24 June.

Research organisations, professional bodies, policy and funding agencies, as well as businesses, are invited to send teams to the symposium. Lesley Ward (WIMSIG Chair) and Joanne Hall (WIMSIG Secretary) will be attending on behalf of the Australian Mathematical Society.

Find out if your organisation is sending people. You might like to have a chat with your organisation's delegates before the symposium.


Women in Mathematics Get-Togethers in June

Every year in June and November WIMSIG holds informal gatherings in cities around Australia.

The following get-togethers are confirmed for June (with some details yet to be finalised).


  • Tuesday 2 June, 4-5pm (ACST)
  • Flinders University
  • Room 5.29, Level 5, Flinders University Building, Tonsley Campus
  • Host: Gobert Lee

Sydney (Statistics in Stilettos)

  • Friday 17 June at 8:00 - 9:30am (AEST)
  • University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
  • Oval Classroom, Chau Chak Wing Building (Building 8, Level 2, Room 002)
  • Host: Louise Ryan (Ph: (02) 9514 2275)
  • This breakfast event, co-hosted by the NSW Branch of the Statistics Society of Australia and University of Technology Sydney, will provide a valuable networking opportunity for women interested in careers in statistics and related fields.
  • Poster (PDF, 279 KB)


  • Wednesday 22 June, 10:30am - 12:00pm (AEST)
  • The University of Queensland
  • Room 442, Building 67, St Lucia Campus
  • Host: Cecilia González Tokman


  • Date/Time: Last week of June (TBA)
  • University of Canberra
  • Details: TBA
  • Host: Joanne Thandrayen


  • Monash University
  • The SAGE initiative: how are we mathematicians responding to it?
  • Details: This event has been cancelled.
  • Host: Julie Clutterbuck


If you're interested in hosting a Women in Maths get-together in June (or some future date), please contact WIMSIG-events@women.austms.org.au.

Diversity in Astronomy Workshop - June 2016

Many of the topics at the Diversity in Astronomy Workshop are relevant to anyone in the sciences. This 2-day workshop (June 28-29, 2016) will be held in the School of Physics at The University of Melbourne and will focus on the topics of unconscious bias, institutional change, diversity via gender, cultural and sexual identity and mindfulness.

Registration closes June 10.

AMSI Winter School 2016

The AMSI Winter School 2016 on Biological and Environmental Modelling is run in collaboration with The University of Queensland and is designed for PhD students and researchers in the mathematical sciences and related disciplines.

AMSI travel grants provide full or partial support for students and early career researchers. Applications for travel grants close on June 5.

Choose Maths grants are also available for women to attend AMSI flagship events such as the Winter School. Choose Maths grants may include support for caring expenses while attending the School.

AMSI Winter School 2016 Women in Maths Event

  • Wednesday 6 July at 5-7pm
  • The University of Queensland
  • Science Learning Centre, Mathematics Building
  • Flyer (PDF, 304 KB)


The University of Melbourne

These positions are identified as part of a Special Measure of the Equal Opportunity Act.

Winnovation Awards

The Winnovation Awards celebrate South Australian women who are innovative across the STEAM disciplines.

The Awards are open for nominations on June 6.


The University of Melbourne's Women-Only Jobs

As noted above, The University of Melbourne has 3 positions open for female candidates only. This has incited quite a bit of media discussion. Associate Professor Lesley Ward (Chair of WIMSIG) conducted several interviews with journalists for print, online and radio media. Some of the resulting articles are linked to below.


Several other news sources republished quotes from the ABC or The Age interviews.


Other Media

Girls from progressive societies do better at math, study finds
Eureka Alert - May 13, 2016

  • This correlational study investigated 11,000 high school students. They found a link between the gender gap in mathematics performance and Gender Gap Index in the country of ancestry.

Have you read an interesting article? Have some news? Have an opportunity available?

Please send items to the WIMSIG Secretary.

Note: Newsletters are published on the 1st day of each month (or soon after). The deadline for submitted items is the 2nd last day of each month.

Updated: 02 Jun 2016