Women in Science Australia

The Women in Science Australia website has a blog highlighting many issues that we care about.

AMSI Report Card for Year 12 Mathematics Participation

AMSI has released a Report Card for Year 12 Mathematics Participation

"Participation rates for girls are particularly poor with only 6.8% enrolled in advanced maths and 18.2% in intermediate, compared with 13.4% and 20.6% for boys."


Women in Mathematics Get-Togethers in November

There will be a series of Women in Maths Gatherings in November in cities around Australia. Some cities still need a volunteer host.

If you're interested in hosting a Women in Maths get-together in November (or some other future date), please get in touch with the appropriate person below.

  • For events in VIC, TAS, SA, or WA, contact Lynn Batten.

The following get-togethers are confirmed. Please RSVP to the local event organiser.


    • Tuesday 10 November, 3:00-4:00pm (ACDST)
    • The University of Adelaide
    • Room 5.55, Level 5, Ingkarni Wardli Building
    • RSVP: Hang Wang


    • Thursday 19 November, 10:30am (AEST)
    • Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
    • Room O520, Gardens Point Campus
    • RSVP: Catherine Pennington


The ANZIAM Medal 2016

The ANZIAM Medal is awarded on the basis of research achievements, industrial mathematics activities and contributions to ANZIAM.

The J.H. Michell Medal 2016

The J.H. Michell Medal is for distinguished research in industrial or applied mathematics by a researcher within 10 years of their PhD.

Nominations for both medals are due by November 6, 2015.


  • An observers view on the ARC Discovery grant ranking process
    • "Part-way down the rankings, it was recognised that more applications had been awarded to male CIs than female CIs. Following this, in deciding between two equally ranked applications, preference was given to the female CI to ensure gender equity."
    • This gender equity strategy is not official ARC policy, but something that a selection panel decided to implement.

Have you read an interesting article? Have some news? Have an opportunity available?

Please send items to the WIMSIG Secretary, Joanne Hall.

Updated: 31 Oct 2015